Tuesday, December 22, 2009

South Pacific Survey 27th June 1951

Spent the day at Satapuala in testing the aircraft to ensure servicability and getting on with the blasting of coral heads. So far there are still not many volunteers for this job of cracking coral.

Even after blasting there are not many fish about the surface, but the natives come out in their canoes and spend a lot of time diving in the vicinity and generally getting in everyone's way.

Had a rather bad gelignite headache today and it was a pleasure to stop work and go home.

Pritchard and self kept the dinner appointment and it proved to be a relatively interesting evening. Some of the sisters from the hospital were also invited and they were very keen to see us and to talk. It is not a lot of pleasure for the nurses up here where there is an almost minus population of eligible batchelors.

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