Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pacific Survey 10 June 1951

The day slightly overcast but warm and after breakfast we took cars up to the Commissioner's Residence and after wandering the grounds an admiring the riot of colours in the flowers and shrubs, we commenced the long plod up the hill to the grave of Robert Louis Stevenson, of Treasure Island fame and champion of the natives cause here where he was much beloved and where he died at an early age of consumption.

The tomb is on the top of a point where it overlooks the town of Apia, very high and reached only after a long plod. Took some snaps and then commenced the descent to have a glorious swim in a mountain pool, nice and cool.

Invited over to the ADC's residence and lowered a drop of his "poison". In the afternoon had a sleep and then went for a walk with Bert Carlyon and finished up at the RSA Club to shelter from the terrific downpour and of got talking to the members who are very keen to see the service started up and of course most optomistic about it too, particularly as they do not have to pay.

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