After a night of heavy electrical storms, the day dawned clear, but overcast, we arise at 6am. Breakfast at 7am and on the way to Satapuala by 7.45. We had to call into the Public Works Department Works to get a bit of gear in shackles and rope for the aircraft.
After this we commenced marking out the 5000 yard runway with 44 Gallon drums and any old weight for a sinker. This involved waiting until the marker boat was correctly sighted by the two surveyors marking the spot with a float, then tumbling over the big drum suitably weighted to float in the depths up to 42 feet. The boats are very slow in getting going. Eventually we packed up for the day and were pleased to get home.
There is a grass here which has a burr seed and leaves like wattle, but much smaller and when touched the whole lot has the appearance of wilting, and therefore called sensative grass.
Bills Note:I have a about 20 photos-where they were taken, I don't know, but it seems a good idea to put about 2 photos with each post from here on.

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